
Pacific School of Engineering

Approved by AICTE,New Delhi and Affiliated to GTU,Ahmedabad

Integrated M.Sc. IT | Degree Engineering | Diploma Studies

Dr. Kambal Ram Mohan Rao

Chemical Engineering

Associate Professor

Academic Experience:36 years Industrial + 3 years 6 month teaching

Industry Experience:35 year


Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering)


PGDEE (Ecology & Environment)


GDMM (Materials Management)


M.Tech. (Chemical Technology)


B.E. (Chemical Engineering) 


National Conference::4
International Conference::6
National Journal::6
International Journal::7

Teaching Experience:  3 Years


Professional Experience : Service with ONGC: 36.5 Years (1983 to 2019) 

Technical skill


  1. Project Report preparation with economics :
    1. Facilities Engineering design in Oil & Gas industry Process and Utilities units
    2. Preparation of Feasibility Reports
    3. Softwares used - Questor, Asset
    4. Design of Process units/ sub-systems & Effluent Treatment Plants along with preparation of tenders
  1. Oilfield Artificial lift design & engineering
    1. Technical reports prepared : 66 nos.
    2. Softwares – Pipesim, Prosper, GAP, Rodstar, SubPump, PCPump
    3. Field training on Artificial lift for working professionals
    4. 1 no. Patent filed – PADENS – Production enhancement apparatus for a Sucker rod pump – 24-05-2017
  1. HAZOP studies and Risk analysis
    1. Carried out HAZOP & QRA for ONGC-Hazira with CSIR and TNO, The Netherlands
    2. HAZOP studies for all 23 oil & gas installations of Ankleshwar Asset
  1. ISO-14001 lead auditor & trainer
  2. Operator level training for workers and lectures/ project coordinator for Engg. College students
  3. Lecturing on Petroleum related subjects (online/ offline)
    1. Petroleum production, refining and Petrochemicals
    2. Well Integrity Management
    3. Artificial Lift
    4. Natural Gas Processing
    5. Enhanced oil recovery – for chemical engineers

  1. Awarded ONGC Chairman’s Award for Best installation (2019)
  2. Awarded ONGC Chairman’s Award for Best Process plant (2018)
  3. Awarded Certificate of Merit by Executive Director ONGC – Ankleshwar Asset (2018)
  4. Given award for Best poster presentation for Paper presented at 22nd Indian Oil & Gas Review Summit (IORS-2015), Mumbai – 9-10 Sept 2015
  5. Awarded for Best technical paper by Executive Director ONGC – Ankleshwar Asset (2012)
  6. Awarded Certificate of Merit by Executive Director ONGC – Assam Asset (2001)
  7. Awarded Certificate for Lead Auditor – ISO-14001 from Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Certification services, New Delhi
  8. Awarded Certificate of Merit by Executive Director ONGC – Hazira Project (1999)
  9. Awarded Certificate of Merit by Executive Director ONGC – Hazira Project (1995)
  10. Awarded IIMM President’s Gold Medal for All India 1st Rank in GDMM from Indian Institute of Materials Management, Mumbai (1989)
  11. Awarded Certificate of Merit by Executive Director ONGC – Hazira Project (1987)
  12. Given Best speaker award for Technical seminar from Chemical Engineering Association, Govt. College of Engg. & Tech., Raipur (1981)
  13. Awarded Second position in Inter-College Quiz from Chemical Engineering Association, Govt. College of Engg. & Tech., Raipur (1979)
  1. Water Management at ONGC-Hazira, Madhav Kant & R.Rao, Institution of Engineers, Ahmedabad, 1989
  2. Mass transfer measurements across Rotating cylindrical electrodes, R.Rao, SAEST (Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology) Conference, 1996
  3. Attended conference on “Global Water Management 2007” at Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 14-15 Apr 2007
  4. Effluent handling in Petroleum Production, R.Rao, HSE Workshop at ISM University, Dhanbad, 05 Nov 2007
  5. Viable Alternatives for Effluent handling & disposal for Oilfield production operations, R.Rao, PEGJP International Conference at ISM University Dhanbad, 06-08 Dec 2007
  6. Ankleshwar Asset Revamping Plan – Current Status & Envisaged Gains, R.Rao, 3rd Seminar on Petroliferous Basins of India (SPEB-3), KDMIPE, Dehradun – 01-03 Mar 2013
  7. An Algorithm for Techno-Commercial Selection Criteria for Artificial Lift Systems in Heavy Oil Wells, R.Rao, 21st International Oil & Gas Review Summit (IORS-2014), Mumbai – 10-11 Sept 2014
  8. Radial stress analysis as a tool for determining tubing and rod failure location in deviated SRP wells – Application to wells of Indian onshore, Prasant Goel & R.Rao, 22nd International Oil & Gas Review Summit (IORS-2015), Mumbai – 9-10 Sept 2015
  9. Non-conventional Technologies based on End-user concept for economic Gas utilization and Profit maximization, R.Rao, 22nd International Oil & Gas Review Summit (IORS-2015), Mumbai – 9-10 Sept 2015 (Best Poster Award)
  10. Application-based Modifications in Progressing Cavity Pumps System Designs, Sakhare, K.R.Rao, V.V. Manchalwar & C.P. Singhal, 23rd International Oil & Gas Review Summit (IORS-2016), Mumbai – 10-11 Aug 2016