
Pacific School of Engineering

Approved by AICTE,New Delhi and Affiliated to GTU,Ahmedabad

Integrated M.Sc. IT | Degree Engineering | Diploma Studies

Dr. Yogesh Chandrakant Rotliwala

Chemical Engineering

Principal (Professor )

Academic Experience:26 Year

Industry Experience:1 year


Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering)

M.E. (Polymer Technology)

B.E. (Chemical Engineering) 


D.E. (Chemical Engineering)




National Conference::26
International Conference::12
International Journal::6
Number of Patents::2
STTP Attended::2
STTP Organised::3
Workshop Organized::3
Expert Lecture::2

Journal Papers

  1. Dr. Y. C. Rotliwala, Malvika A. Safaya, “Neem oil nano-emulsion formulation by PIT method”, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2023.
  2. Dr. Y. C. Rotliwala, Malvika A. Safaya, Shilpa Nandwani, “Characterisation and microbial activity of neem oil nano-emulsions formulated by phase inversion temperature method”, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2023.
  3. Dr. Y. C. Rotliwala, Dharmesh V Kapatel & Himanshu J Patel “Co- pyrolysis based activated Bio-char: Characterization and is utilization for secondary treated pulp and paper industry wastewater” (ISSN: 2214-7853), 2022.
  4. Dr. Y. C. Rotliwala, Dharmesh V Kapatel, “Influence of sugarcane bagasse addition in co-pyrolysis with sewage sludge on the thermogravimetric characteristics and study of kinetic” Journal of Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022.
  5. Dr. Y. C. Rotliwala, Himanshu J Patel, “Methane enrichment of bio-gas from carbohydrates using a single-stage process involving a bio-electrochemical system and anaerobic digester”, Journal of Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022.
  6. Dr. Y. C. Rotliwala, Malvika A. Safaya, “Formulation of Neem Oil Derived Nano-Emulsion By Low Energy Method And Its Characterization”, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2022.
  7. Rotliwala Y.C. and Parikh P.A., 2012, Thermal co-processing of high density polyethylene with coal, fly ashes and biomass: characterization of liquid products. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34(11):1055.
  8. Rotliwala Y.C. and Parikh P.A., 2011, Study of thermal co-pyrolysis of de-oiled cake of Jatropha with plastics, Waste Management & Research, 29(12): 1251.
  9. Shah J.A., Umrigar Z.F. and Rotliwala Y.C., 2011, Evaluation of air quality near traffic junctions in the city of Surat, India using air quality index, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 15 (2): 210.
  10. Rotliwala Y.C. and Parikh P.A., 2011, Thermal degradation kinetic study of rice-bran with high density polyethylene, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(3):788.
  11. Parekh D.B., Rotliwala Y.C. and Parikh P.A., 2009, Synergistic pyrolysis of high density polyethylene and Jatropha and Karanj cakes: a thermogravimetric study. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 1:1–10.
  12. Parikh P.A. and Rotliwala Y.C., 2008, Resource recovery through catalytic cracking of waste plastics. Waste and Resource Management 161: 85.
  13. Malvika safaya, Yogesh rotliwala, “Nanoemulsions: A review on low energy formulation methods, characterization, applications and optimization technique” Materials Today: Proceedings, 2019
  14. Vishal Kuril, Hiren Sojitra, Dr. Yogesh Rotliwala, Piyush Modi, “Bioplastics from food waste” 15th Students Chemical Engineering Congress ‘SCHEMCON 2019’ 17-18 October, 2019

(1) Pacific School of Engineering, Surat

      Principal, Pacific School of Engineering, Surat from June 2016 to Till date.

(2) S.N.P. Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Centre for Environmental Research, Bardoli, Gujarat, India
     (a) Principal (April 2015 to June 2016)

     (b) Head of Department (Chemical Engineering)  (June 2013- March 2015)
     Handled consultancy projects for various Multinational companies and Government
     sponsored projects.
     Raised infra-structural and academic facilities for the students of under graduate and post
     graduate at the Research Centre of Environmental Pollution Control Programmes.

     (c) Training and Placement Officer (June 2009- June 2012)
     Responsible for Training and Placement of under graduate students of the Institute.


(3) N. G. Patel Polytechnic, Chemical Engineering Department, Bardoli, Gujarat, India
      (a) Head of Department (July 2000- June 2009)
       Developed various laboratories of the department

      (b) Senior Lecturer (July 2000- June 2009)
         Held lectures, tutorial sessions, lab experiments for the following courses:
         Mass Transfer Operation,
         Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
         Plant Utilities and Instrumentation

(4) S.V. National Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering Department, Surat, Gujarat, India
      (a) Adhoc Lecturer (November 1997- June 2000)
       Developed laboratories of the newly established departments.

       Held lectures, tutorial sessions, lab experiments for the following courses:
       Process Calculation,
       Mass Transfer Operation
       Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals

(1) S.N.P. Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Environmental Audit Cell, Bardoli, Gujarat, India
Chief Co-ordinator (June 2009- 2016)

1. Supervised environmental audit (Environmental Management Plan) for more than 500
Some of renowned Industries are Oil and Natural Gas Corporation -India, Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd.-India, Larson & Turbo Speciality Steel-India, Krishk Bharti Co-operative
Ltd.-India, Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation-India, Gujarat State Energy
Generation Corporation-India, Torrent Sugen Mega Power Project-India, Glenmark
Pharmaceuticals-India, Kakrapar Atomic Power Station-India, Essar Steel-India, Essar
Power-India, etc.

2. Environmental Management Adequacy verification and detailed project report for TSDF
3. Environmental management plan for the use of Pet-Coke at Thermal power plant.
4. Use of Psychometric evaporator for the treatment of effluent from dyes intermediate
production unit.

5. Utilization of domestic sewage effluent for the treatment of final discharge effluent from

the Penicillin G manufacturing unit.

6. Treatability study for the common effluent treatment plant (CETP) of textile effluent to
achieve zero effluent discharge.

7. Technical study and verification of zero effluent schemes proposed by pharmaceutical
industry. It mainly includes study and performance of multiple effect evaporator, reverse
osmosis plant and cooling tower.

8. Design verification of incinerator as per the guidelines of Central pollution control board
for pharmaceutical and agrochemical industry.

9. Laboratory scale treatability of black colored effluent discharge from the production of
bleached cotton linters in the nitrocellulose plant and scale up to the requirement of the

10. Experimental study of recovery of copper and zinc from brass ash with zero effluent
discharge and implementation to industry.

11. Technical review of manufacturing process of biaxially oriented PET film (BOPET) and
Metalized Polyester for the purpose of environmental clearance.

12. Estimation and assessment of pollution load due to waste management and resource
recovery project using plasma thermal destruction and recovery (PTDR) technology.

(2) Aaditya Aromedic and Bio Energies Pvt. Ltd. Navsari, Gujarat, India
Technical Advisor (April 2008- Present)
Technical advisor for R & D projects on Bio-diesel from renewable sources as well as Diesel
from waste plastics.

(3) N. G. Patel Polytechnic, Environmental Audit Cell Bardoli, Gujarat, India
Chief Co-ordinator (July 2002- June 2009)
Supervised environmental audit (Environmental Management Plan) for industry

Measurement and Characterization techniques:
Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry, Thermogravimetric Analysis,

Physico-chemical characterization techniques:
Viscosity (Brookfield Viscometer), Calorific Values (Bomb Calorimeter)

  1. Mentor for Student start-up project:

    Sr. No.


    Pass out Year

    Project/Product Title

    Grant Approved





    Fabrication of User-friendly, Compact and Economical Bio-gas Unit






    Development of Hydrokinetic Propeller turbine for luminating Canal Road






    Dual Axis Rotary Drum Composter






    Cross flow turbine for Agro Application






    Utilization of water hyacinth in Concrete.






    Biofuel/ Shree Rang Bioenergy



  2. Innovation to Impact Award designated by Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad
    for “Research on plastics waste management" in February 2017
  3. National Award (Cash prize Rs. 2 lacs, Citation and Shield) from Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, New Delhi. for outstanding contribution in the field of waste plastics management technology for Biomass derived bio-oil in February 2015
  4.  National Award   from Indian Society for Technical Education , New Delhi (ISTE-Syed Sajid Ali National Award for outstanding research work in the field of Renewable Energy) in November 2014
  5.  Research Grant of Rs. 15 lacs from Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), GoI, New Delhi in association with Indian Oil Corporation, Faridabad, India for extension of project titled “Co-pyrolysis of deoiled cake of Jatropha with waste plastics to produced upgraded bio-oil” during  March 2014-March 2015
  6.  Travel grant of Rs.79,000 awarded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, GoI, New Delhi for presentation of technical paper titled “Methods of production modified bio-oil by co-pyrolysis of waste plastics and biomass” at Waste to Fuel Conference & Trade show, Connecticut, USA in September 2012
  7.  Research Grant of Rs.18.86 lacs from Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), GoI, New Delhi in association with Indian Oil Corporation, Faridabad, India for project titled “Copyrolysis of deoiled cake of Jatropha with waste plastics to produced upgraded bio-oil" during November 2011-November 2012
  8.  Research Grant of Rs.2.42 millions from Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India for project on Waste plastics to liquid fuel during June 2009- June 2011
  9. Noel Deerr Gold Medal awarded by “The Sugar Technologists Association of India” for best paper titled “Thermal Pyrolysis of Bagasse: Yield and Characterization of Bio-oil” in August 2010


  1. Y.C.Rotliwala, V.Y.Rotliwala, U.Y.Rotliwala, Resource recovery of heavy metal containing sludge for bricks production, 6th World conference on applied science, engineering & technology, Inst. Of Eng. Res.& publication, 2-3 January 2018 at Goa, India.
  2. Rotliwala Y.C., Chevli M.H., Maheshwari N., Isotherm studies of equilibrium sorption of Fe(III) onto unmodified Hen Eggshell Adsorbent, presented at International conference on Engineering: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges for Development (EIOCD; 2015), S.N.P.I.T & R.C, Gujarat, April 2015.
  3. Rotliwala Y.C, Shah D.V, Treatability study of waste water from dye manufacturing industry by coagulation, presented at International conference on Engineering: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges for Development (EIOCD; 2015), S.N.P.I.T & R.C, Gujarat, April 2015.
  4. N. Dhingra, D. Bhanti, Rotliwala Y.C., J.A. Shah and V. B. Pathak, Resource recovery of heavy metal-containing sludge for brick production, presented at International conference on Sustainable Innovative Techniques in Civil & Environmental Engineering, J.N.U., New Delhi, May 2013.
  5. Rotliwala Y.C., Parikh P.A., Parekh D.B., Shah J.A., Dhingra N., Methods of production modified bio-oil by co-pyrolysis of waste plastics and biomass, presented at International Conference on Waste to Fuel, Connecticut, USA, 16-19 September 2012.
  6. Rotliwala Y.C., Parikh P.A., Preliminary evolution of de-oiled cake of Jatropha derived bio-oil, International Congress of Chemistry & Environment, Malaysia, May 2011.
  7. Shah J.A., Umrigar Z.F., Rotliwala Y.C., Evaluation of air quality near traffic junctions in the city of Surat, India using air quality index, International Congress of Chemistry & Environment, Malaysia, May 2011.
  8. Rotliwala Y.C., Parikh P.A., Thermal pyrolysis of de-oiled cake of Jatropha: yield and characterization of bio-oil, 1st International Conference on Biofuels, New Delhi, January 18-19, 2010.
  9. Rotliwala Y.C., Implementation of CDM project to enhance economical viability of biodiesel production, International Conference on Waste Utilisation, SVNIT, Surat, May 2008.


  1. Kheni Kaushik and Y.C.Rotliwala, Pyrolysis of water hyacinth for the production of bio-oil, presented at 14th Annual convention of chemical engineering congress (SCHEMCON 2018) at Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai, 26-27 October 2018.
  2. Vatsal Patel and Y. C. Rotliwala, Production of Bio-diesel by Acidification-Transesterification of Dairy Scum Waste, presented at 13th Annual Session of Students' Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON – 2017) at National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, 7-8th October 2017.
  3. Y.C. Rotliwala, Blend of coal/petroleum coke/limestone for regulating the SOx emission in circulating fluidised bed boiler, presented TEQIP-II sponsored National conference on Noise and Air Pollution: Monitoring and Modelling at SVNIT, Surat, 17-18th March 2017.
  4. Parimal P.A., Rotliwala Y.C. and Barad J.M., Effect of co-processing on degradation of polyethylene for producing hydrocarbons, in International Conference on Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Management, Pondicherry, pp. 533-536, January 4-6, 2007.
  5. Rotliwala Y.C. and P.A. Parikh; Reduction in emission of particulate matters using oxygenated diesel, International Symposium on Fuels & Lubricants, New Delhi, October 27-29, 2004.
  6. Rotliwala U., Rotliwala V., Dhingra N., Patel P., Rotliwala Y.C., Resource recovery of reject water from domestic reverse osmosis (RO) plant presented at National Technical Festival “Visvesmruti-2015, F.E.T.R, Gujarat, September, 2015.
  7. N. Dhingra, Rotliwala Y.C., The role of NGOs in realizing and promoting reproductive rights in India, presented at National Conference on Women in 21st Century: Concerns & Issues, S.N.P.I.T & R.C, Gujarat, April 2015.
  8. Rotliwala Y.C., Patel J.T., Patel M.L., A hybrid nanofiltration and reverse osmosis process for the treatment of distillery spent wash, Annual convention of “The Deccan Sugar Technologists’ Association (India), 14-15 July 2012.
  9. Rotliwala Y.C., Patel B.I., Patel M.L., Patel S.J., Pyrolysis of bagasse: Yield and characterization of bio-oil, Annual convention of Sugar technologist, Chennai, December 2010.
  10. Rotliwala Y.C., Mehta G.M., Electro-Chemical waste treatment, National conference of Society of electrochemist, SVNIT, Surat, December 21-23, 2009.
  11. Rotliwala Y.C., Patel B.I., Patel M.L., Patel S.J., Implementation of CDM for sugar and distillery unit, Annual convention of Sugar technologist, Udaipur, November 2009.
  12. Rotliwala Y.C., Patel S.J., Cleaner production-need of the day for sustainable development, Annual Convention of ISTE, Erode, Tamilnadu, December 20-24, 2006.
  13. Rotliwala Y.C. and P.A. Parikh; Oxygenated Diesel: A Remedy to reduce PM emissions, 57th Annual Session of Indian Institute of chemical Engineers (Chemcon-2004), Mumbai, December 27-30, 2004.
  14. Rotliwala Y.C., Chakraborty M.C., Pyrolysis of waste tyres to activated charcoal, Annual Convention of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (Chemcon-1997), PU, Chandigarh, December 27-30, 2004.
  15. Rotliwala Y.C., Patel S.J., Bio-diesel-an alternative of diesel to reduce automobile emission, National convention of urban air pollution, SVNIT, Surat, October 10-12, 2003.
  16. Patel S.J., Rotliwala Y.C., Automobile norms-Indian & Euro standards, National convention of urban air pollution, SVNIT, Surat, October 10-12, 2003.
  17. Rotliwala Y.C. and Chakraborty M.C., Semiconducting Polymers, Annual Convention of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (Chemcon-2001), CLRI, Chennai, December 21-24, 2001.
  18. Rotliwala Y.C., Patel S.J., Desai J.R., Scope of testing & consultancy for educational institute, State level convention of ISTE, SVMIT, Bharuch, 21st September, 2001.